Fertilizer / Lime

Extreme Custom Food Plots has created fertilizer blends that are not available at most fertilizer dealers in bagged form. ECFP has seen a need for this due to the limited choices when looking for bagged fertilizer. We have 4 premium blends that also have all the micros blended into the fertilizers. We want the “do it your selfer” to have access to the best fertilizers available to them. Extreme Custom Food Plots can ship these products to you on pallets anywhere along with your chemical and seed. We are committed to helping you have the very best possible success with your food plots, and it all starts with the soil. Healthy soil produces an abundance of nutrient-rich plants which then produce healthy and productive animals. Growing the biggest bucks possible and having a healthy deer herd starts with the soil. These products will help your plots be the best that they can possibly be. At Extreme Custom Food Plots our motto is Helping You Grow Better Food Plots & A Healthier Deer Herd!

10-15-25-4.8s Fertilizer 50lb


15.5-15.5-15.5-5.5s Fertilizer


18.5-5.8-5.6-2.4s Fertilizer 50lb


27.8-8.7-8.5-3.6s Fertilizer 50lb


0-0-60 Fertilizer 50lb


18-46-0 Fertilitzer 50lb


46-0-0 Fertilizer 50lb


98G Fertilizer


Humic Acid


Ultra Cal Lime

Ultra Cal Blends

Ultra Mag lime

Real World Soil-Charge Soil Builder Blend


Spee-Dee Shipping Notice

Spee-Dee shipping is far cheaper for our clients in Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin, as well as select cities and ZIP Codes in Michigan, Missouri, and Nebraska. Spee-Dee’s shipping integration only supports shipping on orders 150lbs and under. To use Spee-Dee shipping for your orders over 150lbs, please split your order into individual transactions! Thanks. Otherwise contact us for other shipping options (920) 255-6388.